
Apologies the last few months have run away with me and with good reason. I completed the manuscript for the third book I was writing…a book that took me over a year and a half to write. What Will YOUR Legacy Be? – Conversations With Global Game Changers About The Climate Crisis will be out on 30 January 2025. I then returned from Milan in November, where the pro planet film I was representing at FICTS, which is an event for film television and sports – won an award!  FICTS is closely associated with the Olympics. The film project I was part of, cleverly tied water sports with marine conservation, where we combined the power of storytelling with sustainability and sport.

As soon as I was back from Milan, a couple of days later Serendipity PR was at the Business Show, where we also hosted a lunchtime session speaking about why the business community needs to be thinking about its sustainability initiatives. It was busy at the Show and there was a definite buzz. Companies want to do the right thing and be authentically sustainable. There is a real drive to do better.

I have also been working on an initiative looking at the relevance and importance of local newspapers, media, and journalism with City Hall. This is a really interesting project, because those who know me, will know that I believe in the importance of local newspapers, which I regard as the backbone of communities, providing independent information about what is going on in local areas. Sadly, with the advent of social media, we have seen a decline in local newspapers in the UK, even the London Evening Standard now only has an online presence where much of the news is curated by artificial intelligence. There are very few local newspapers with a real editor left, who reports on the ground. I believe we need to recognise local journalism as an important part of community life and invest in this mechanism of information, which counteracts misinformation and disinformation. This will be ongoing work.

As I furiously type to get this posted in time for Christmas, let me say this…2024 has been a year of lots of opportunities, where a variety of seeds have been sown for 2025…where next year will be a flourishing garden of interesting initiatives, announcements, and celebrations. Stay tuned and Merry Christmas!



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