CSR Is Not PR At The PR Link Building Show Brighton
Last week on 13 September I was at the Brighton SEO conference, the largest PR industry show that ran from 13 to 15 th. I was delighted to speak to my industry about how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is shaping PR campaigns, forcing brands to take a long hard look at themselves and their purpose.
And I am pleased to say that CSR Is Not PR was well received by the PR community. Sir David Attenborough has called the plight of the planet a communications issue and yes it does start with us in the media industry…we can help brands be more accountable, to do better, and be authentic about their values and storytelling. There is no room for any business or brand to be making up fairytales, as that’s just greenwashing. Consumers are savvy and voting with wallets, loyal to brands and businesses that are eco-friendly, ethical, and doing right by the environment. After all, there is no business without the planet.